Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 360 VantEDGE system?
VantEDGE is a high tech camera platform that consists of many moving cameras that are all synchronized to look at the same spot in 3D space.
It is both a traditional camera system, and an interactive content creation platform. The platform supports live streaming with virtually no latency making it ideal for live sports events, concerts and even post production television
content. The platform transmits all of the video to a broadcasting hub and delivers the video for viewing by the end user at home. For live events, viewers can view the interactive video inside the venue using any iOS/Android tablet or smart phone.
What is the viewing experience like?
The viewer can smoothly choose any angle to view the video from as well as access multiple interactive features.
The system tracks and produces moving clickable surfaces so that you may click on an athlete to bring up information about that person, or incorporate more information into an interactive ad.
If you are inside the venue, you can order food right to your seat or contribute to social interactions such as voting or sharing updates online.
Standard video features such as instant replay and full DVR control are available - from any video angle recorded.
Viewers can view the video on virtually any device - an iPad, iPhone, Android devices, or any broadband TV/console.
In other words, it's a heck of a lot of fun at home or at the event!
Is it only for live events?
Nope! The VantEDGE camera platform can be used to produce television or movie content as well. The camera system can be used in a green-room or a custom designed 360 degree set.
Post production tools allow you to edit video independant of the camera angle - since that part is controlled by the user.
The post production tools give you the creative freedom to incorporate clickable surfaces, contextual information and scripted playback.
Is it available in HD?
We are in the middle of developing our HD camera system which will be available for rental. HD is expensive on a large scale - but is now within a reasonable cost.
Many of the pieces we need for HD have been designed, however 360 needs financial and strategic partners to complete this upgrade.
Click here to learn how you can help us reach our goals.